
Showing posts from February, 2022


1 1/2 Cups Warm Water 1 Tablespoon Yeast 2 Tablespoon Cane Sugar 2 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil 1 teaspoon Salt 4 Cups Flour In the bowl of the mixer, combine the water, sugar and to that add the yeast. Let it rest for about 10 minutes until it gets nice and foamy. Once the yeast is activated, add the vegetable oil and salt.  Start mixing it using the dough hook and start adding the flour, one cup at a time, letting it mix thoroughly before adding the next cup of flour.  After you add the last cup of flour, let the machine knead the dough until it stops sticking to the sides of the bowl.  If after 10 minutes if it is still sticking, add 1/2 cup of flour and let it knead some more.  Meanwhile, prepare a bowl by lightly covering in grease.  Put the dough into the bowl and cover with a plastic paper.  Put a clean wet towel in the microwave and heat it for a minute.  Put the bowl with the dough into the microwave, don't turn it on, the dough should double in about 30 minutes. Deflate the d


2 1/4 Cups water 2 Tablespoons Sugar 1 Tablespoon Yeast 3/4 Tablespoons Salt 2 Tablespoons Avocado Oil 5 1/2 - 6 Cups Flour  In a mixing bowl, mix the water and sugar and add the yeast.  If not using Rapid or Quick Rise yeast, wait about 10-15 until foam starts to form to continue. Add the Salt, Avocado oil and start adding one Cup of Flour at a time, while running the mixer with the Dough Hook.  Dough is ready when it stops sticking to the walls of the bowl.  It might be a little sticky to the touch, but that is ok.  Cover with plastic wrap. Heat a clean wet towel in the microwave for one minute.  Put the covered bowl with the dough inside and close the door.  Let it rise to double it's size.  With this method it goes pretty quickly. Punch the dough once to deflate it a bit.  Divide the dough into 2,  and on a clean dusted with flour surface and using a rolling pin, roll the dough into 10x12 inches, does not have to be perfect.  Starting the on the longer side, start rolling it in


1      cup flour 1/4 cup sugar      1/4 teaspoon salt 1       package yeast (or 7 grams or 3/4 teaspoons) 2/3 Cups scolded milk 1/4 cup oil 2    egg yolks  1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract  Mix all the ingredients, cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for about 10-15 minutes or until bubbles start to form. Add 1 1/2 cups of flour, just enough to keep the dough together and No longer sticks to the sides of the bowl. Kneaded by hand for about 5 minutes, if it’s still a bit sticky, add a bit of flour, cover with plastic wrap again and let raise for about 45 minutes . Roll out the dough into a circle, about 1/4 to 1/3 inches thick, cut out the donuts transfer to a parchment lined paper baking sheet.  Let rest for about 45 minutes. Heat deep fryer for about 45 minutes.  Prepare a baking sheet with a cookie rack, and use chop sticks for the frying-dipping part.  \Prepare the glaze while waiting for the dough to rise. Glaze   1lb or 4 cups confectionery sugar 5-6 Tablespoons water 1 Tablespoon